
Theme of Success in Yuset Komunyaka´s Glory and Emily Dickinson´s Success is Counted Sweetest

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In various forms of literature there is theme. The theme is the central idea of the story that is inferred by the reader from details in the story. A theme is the main concept of the writing. The poems Glory by Yusef Komunyakaa and Success is Counted Sweetest by Emily Dickinson share the theme of success. Success is the achievement of an intention that was planned or attempted. Success not only requires bravery and courage, but hard work and determination. The theme of success in the poem, Glory, comes from the success achieved by the young men playing baseball. The theme of success in the poem, Success is Counted Sweetest, comes from the achievement of victory in battle. The theme of success in Glory and Success is Counted Sweetest is …show more content…

The poem takes place in a time of war. The poem expresses the feeling of those who are in the occurring battle, and how they wish to achieve victory over their enemies. The figurative language and imagery of the poem makes clear how much they want to achieve success. The lines “Success is counted sweetest / By those who ne’er succeed.” (1-2) in simple words, means that those who do not often achieve success, appreciate it more than those who achieve it more than others. These first two lines of the poem also depict how people tend to desire things more deeply when they do not have them. The following lines “To comprehend a nectar / Requires sorest need” (3-4), develop a self-evident truth by offering a pair of images that symbolize it. The first is nectar, which is a symbol of triumph and luxury. Secondly “Success” which is best grasped by someone who needs it, someone who wants it and will try to get it at all cost. The defeated, dying man understands victory more clearly than the army who is victorious in the end. The theme of Success is Counted Sweetest is proven to be success by its figurative language and imagery. The theme is the central idea of the story that is inferred by the reader from details in the story. The poems Glory by Yusef Komunyakaa and Success is Counted Sweetest by Emily Dickinson share the theme of success. Success is the achievement of an intention that was planned or attempted. The theme of success in Glory comes from the success

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