
Themes In Things Fall Apart's Things Fall Apart

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Things Fall Apart is a

The title Things Fall Apart is foreshadowing many themes in the book. Some of the themes are about what exactly has fallen apart: his family, his culture, his own morals and way of thinking, and just his life in general. To elaborate, his family was a mess, to begin with, the father, Unoka. To some Unoka seems like an outgoing person but in this culture, he was the black sheep of the family. Unoka to his family and to his culture was very lazy he didn't have any ambition he didn't make a name for himself at all, in fact, his culture didn't have a title for him because he was so lazy to them Unoka should have any responsibility for himself or for his family. And because of all of this Okonkwo didn't think highly of his father he thought that he was a failure just like the rest of his tribe he never wanted to be like him.

So as you can see the first thing that has fallen apart was Okonkwo's family before he even had a chance to comprehend why it was falling apart. The next person and his family were his son Nyowe Although Okonkwo tries to control Nyowe, He tended to be like Okonkwo father. because of this Okonkwo thought he was lazy and a failure to this is the first way that Nyowe has made Okonkwo's Family Fall Apart.

Another person who contributes to the family falling apart would be Ezinma. she was the Sun that Okonkwo never had even though she was a girl. she understood him and because she understood him she loved him more than his

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