
Themes In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Literature can be interpreted in many different ways. Harper Lee´s To Kill a Mockingbird has many hidden meanings and themes that can be easily missed. Lee makes it easier to see certain themes by adding characters that let us see topics from a different point of view. Children sometimes see events with a innocent point of view, and adults typically see the world through a untrusting or dissapointed point of view. For example, most adults thought Tom Robinson was in the wrong without hearing his side of the story. Seeing from another point of view is shown when we see racism from an African American point of view, the trial from a ¨bird's eye view¨, and hearing the story unfold through a memory in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
Racism in the south was everywhere. Blacks were separated from whites in schools, restrooms, even churches. African Americans were considered lower in society, so they weren't given as many opportunities as white members of society. We see this when Calpurnia takes the children to church with her in chapter 12, ¨Lula stopped, but she said, ´You ain't got no business bringin´ white chillun here-they got their church, we got our´n. It is our church, ain't it, Miss Cal?´ Calpurnia said, ´It's the same God, ain't it?'¨ (158). This conversation transpires when Calpurnia brings Jem and Scout to her church because Atticus could not take them to their normal church. She was worried that people would not accept them in the church, but on the contrary,

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