
Theology Textbook Questions

Satisfactory Essays

Understanding the Times: Theology

Textbook Questions: Sections 1.4-1.6

Student Name: __________________matthewshin_________________________

In Marxism, human is doing God role, and they made religion for worshipping themselves. Human’s role in history is to make the society into aesthetic society and change them.
“Religion is the sign of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world, as it is the spirit of spiritless conditions.”
As Marxism is based on the Atheism, and wanted to establish communism society, they wanted religion out of society, because religions tend to make people weak, and also doubt the authority.

As they do not believe in God, they do not see Jesus as Son of God, but see him as …show more content…

In some countries, there are some people who believes in that all the objects have the soul inside, and they are god. For example, in seatribe, the village I went believed in pantheism, that they believe that there is water god, tree god, and god is everywhere. They also worshipped them.


The theological view of Postmodernism is Atheism
Both of these says that there is no exact right, reality. So when they make statement about theological belief, they are going against the idea of no God.
Deconstruction is readers think of their own meaning when they read the text, and believe their own thoughts. So when they apply this to Bible, they interpret the word of God in their own thought, and can create the cult out of it.
As Postmodernism claims no universal truth, it is some what similar to religious pluralism, because religious pluralism also claims that no one religion is divinely truth. So Postmodernism just do not believe in religion instead of denying. They feel appealed or not.
Nietzsche proclaims that society is going toward atheism, and not believing in religion. Also he claims that religions hold people together, and will cause diversity when there is no

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