
Theories Of Criminal Behavior

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Criminal activities are associated with three factors, namely the psychological, biological and social factors. Research shows that the psychological state of individuals affects their biology. The relationship between crime and medical disorders is complex, and the disorders constitute a major cause of crimes. People who experience hallucinations and delusions are more likely to engage in criminal activities. Mental illness such as schizophrenia is also linked to crimes and violence. The personality, cognitive ability and impulse control ability of individuals are also associated with criminal behaviors. Criminal control policy focused on the psychological factors of individuals employs measures such as training, promotions of self-awareness, resocialization, and rehabilitation. Psychologists recognize the past behavior of individuals as the best predictor of the future behavior.
Various theories such as the behavioral theory, cognitive theory, and trait theories are used to explain the psychological causes of the criminal activities (Eysenck & Gudjonsson, 2013). Some people are born with violent tendencies while others learn aggression through life experiences such as the …show more content…

The treatment of the disorders is one of the solutions to the behavioral misconduct (Tredoux, 2005). However, treatment alone is not sufficient since some of the criminals re-offend even after receiving the treatment. Further follow-ups such as rehabilitation and counseling of the individuals are necessary. More so, the individual need to be secluded from the society to help them realize the value of interacting well with their fellow and appreciate the role played by the society (Wortley, 2011). The insanity defense, which claims that an individual suffering from mental illness is not responsible for violence or crime is one example of the effect of psychological factors on the treatment of

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