
Theories Of Emile Durkheim Suicide

Decent Essays

Éabha Griffin-Kelly 117436932

Emile Durkheim: Suicide
“Suicide, the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally” (OED, 2017)

1. Introduction
Suicide is an ever present sociological issue which transcends all time and reasoning. Through studying the theories of Durkheim a greater insight can be gained into the logic and issues surrounding suicide both historically and in modern culture. Durkheim, living in France in the 1800’s was subject to a vastly changing political, economic and technological republic. Thus, leading to his questioning of how the republic stayed whole while its mere fabrics were coming apart. These questions and there answers lead to Durkheim largely being known as ‘The father of Sociology’. Durkheim’s focus on those who did not deal as well with these harsh times have led to his in-depth theories on suicide and its causes.

2. Collective Consciousness
The term collective consciousness refers to the collection of beliefs, morals and ideas which come to be known as social facts and how any given individual comes to view themselves as a part of any given group (Piepmeyer; 2007). While collective consciousness can be attributed as a factor which can cause both egoist and altruist suicides, in modern republics the theory is often applied to social groups with the single determination to reduce the number of fatalities caused by …show more content…

‘Is it our duty to seek to become a thorough and complete human being, one quite sufficient unto himself; or, on the contrary, to be only a part of a whole, the organ of an organism?.’’ (Durkheim, 1933; p40) Durkheim’s Theories on suicide, while questioned by many such as Whitney Pope and Nick Danigelis (Pope, Danigelis, 1981; pp495-516) are still held as the most widely regarded when referencing suicide. His ideology on Altruism, Egoism and Collective Consciousness can be applied in any theological timeframe to access and determine the reasoning’s behind

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