
Theories Of Jean Vygotsky And Young Children

Decent Essays

Within this essay I am going to discuss how young children learn. Whilst no one theory can underpin how children in fact learn, I will be touching on how two different theorists believe how children learn. I will be backing up both two perspectives with relevant reading and also examples from my professional practice. The two theorists I will be talking about are Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky.
I am now going to discuss the views on how young children learn from the perspective of Jean Piaget. Wood (2007) says that Jean Piaget was the initial psychologist to make a logical study of cognitive development. He believed that at the heart of learning and development was self-directed problem solving and action. Piaget was a great believer in children learning in stages and these stages in fact followed a natural time scale, as the child gets older they will progress through each stage. This theory can be explained by the term walking before running. These stages are classified into four different stages. The four stages are called; the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage and lastly the formal operational stage. Each of these stages have age boundaries (Marlowe & Canestrari,2005). The preoperational stage is one of the stages which is evident within my placement. Within this stage children start to consider the use of images and words to represent objects. They are between the ages of two and seven years old. The children in fact find it

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