
Theory and the Nursing Process

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Theory and the Nursing Process
Kenneth L. Harris
University of Phoenix
Community and Family Nursing
NSG 420
June 22, 2015
Kimberly Lewis RN, MSN-Ed

Theory and the Nursing Process The theoretical basis for public and community nurses began in the nineteenth century with Florence Nightingale. Nightingale believed in the prevention and surveillance of diseases. She further believed that a disease was more prevalent in poor environments. She proved that good health was more prevalent with a good environment for instance providing adequate ventilation, clean water, warmth, light, and cleanliness during the Crimean War (Allender, Rector, & Warner, 2014).
The public and community health nurse can affect change in behavior by …show more content…

The activities include physical and occupational therapy, nutrition counseling, and case management ("Community Health Nursing," 2013).
The two theories the Nightingale and the Knowles are an example of the integration of the nursing and education discipline to promote a health community and protect the population from illness, communicable diseases, injury, and death. The challenges are great but obtainable.
The use of the survey by the community and public health nurses to identify problems and develop a plan of action. The development of education programs by employing the Knowles principles to reach out to the adult learner.
The mission of community and public health nursing is related back to the work of Florence Nightingale. Her observation that good environment leads to good health and bad environment leads to bad health.

Allender, J. A., Rector, C., & Warner, K. D. (2014). Community and public health nursing (8 ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins.
Beagley, L. (2011, October). Educating Patients: Understanding Barriers, Learning Styles, and Teaching Techniques. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 26, 331-337.
Martin, D., & Yurkovich, E. (2014). “Close-Knit” Defines a Healthy Native American Indian Family. Journal of Family Nursing, 20(51-72).

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