
Therapeutic Background Of Equine Therapy

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The Therapeutic Background of Equine Therapy
Therapeutic horseback riding, a type of equine-assisted psychotherapy, is a form of social, physical and emotional therapy. In Ancient Greek, horseback riding was a well-known treatment for people who wished to rid themselves of physical or mental ailments. However, it wasn’t until 1900 that therapeutic horseback riding began to be used in Canada and the United States. Nevertheless, after being introduced, equine therapy slowly gathered momentum across North America and, by 1969, a group of equine therapists founded the first specialized equestrian therapy centre. In the same year, the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA) was created to coordinate, recognise and research …show more content…

The act of riding and trusting a horse stimulates cognitive activity and fosters feelings of confidence. In this way, equine therapy can be a proven method of building self-esteem, autonomy, communication skills and discipline.
Different Forms of Equine Therapy
Equine therapy is a strongly recommended form of therapy for a variety of disabilities, diseases and disorders. In particular, equine therapy is increasingly popular for people with multiple sclerosis, spina bifida, traumatological diseases, autism, or down syndrome. Regardless of your disability, your equine therapy program can be personalised to suit your physical and mental requirements. Some of the most popular equine therapy programs are:
• Instructional horseback riding: This is one of the most common equine therapy programs and it is regularly used to lay the groundwork for deeper interactions between a patient and horse. This connection building process can also include horse trainers, equestrian therapists and the patient’s family members. When these people are not included, this program is known as social equine

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