
The Leisure Ability Model Of Therapeutic Recreation

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Therapeutic recreation is a treatment service designed to restore, remediate and rehabilitate a person’s level of functioning and independence in life.
According to WHO- The world health organisation, health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health. Health promotion represents a comprehensive social and political process, it not only embraces actions directed at strengthening the skills and capabilities of individuals but also the action directed towards changing the social, environmental and economic conditions. The Ottawa Charter identifies three basic strategies for health promotion. These advocacy’s for health to create the essential conditions for health indicated above …show more content…

Mutual participation on behalf of the client and the TRP occurs and the client begins to have fun and find new ways to interact with others. iii. Leisure: This is a means to self-actualization because it allows people to have self-determined opportunities to expand themselves by successfully using their abilities to meet challenges. This stage is based on The Leisure Ability Model whereby they look at leisure alone as a means of therapeutic recreation. At this stage of the continuum, clients assume primary responsibility for their own health.
So from looking this model ultimately it can be said that health and actualization are intimately intertwined. The attainment of high level wellness permits actualization. Those who enjoy peak health are free of barriers to actualization so that they may actively pursue personal growth and development. When clients are initially taking part in a program based on this model they have a learned helplessness and take a lack of responsibility but as they move down the continuum they assume primary responsibility for themselves.

The Leisure Ability Model.
The second model being discussed is The Leisure Ability Model. The Leisure Ability Model (LAM) which was draw up by Peterson and Gunne in 1984 focuses on leisure as a prevention of illness rather than the use of medication. This model can be used hand in hand with The HPHPM or can be used alone when

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