
Therapist Perspectives On Residency And Fellowship Experiences

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Therapist Perspectives on Residency and Fellowship Experiences In one of the earliest studies completed on this topic, researchers found that therapists felt their residency experiences improved many aspects of their clinical skills. In this study, a questionnaire was sent to 98 graduates of a yearlong advanced orthopedic manual therapy residency program (Smith, Tichenor, & Schroeder, 1999). In the survey given, residents were asked to rank the influence their residency had on certain factors of their career based on the following options: “unable to assess”, “major negative”, “some negative”, “no effect”, “some positive”, and “major positive”. About 95 percent of the 98 graduates responded to the survey. Results of …show more content…

They also felt that their patient management skills, interpersonal skills, professional skills and comfort in leadership roles increased after their residency experiences. (Flowers, 2015) All of these survey studies have shown the positive effects that residency/ fellowship programs have on the clinical skills of budding therapists, as seen from their own perspectives. With greater confidence in their skills, therapists are more likely to trust their clinical judgments and reasonings, making them more efficient clinicians. This efficiency can lead to greater patient outcomes and reduced cost for the patients, which is why the perspective of the therapist is so important to their success. Orthopedic Clinical Outcomes In addition to the personal opinions of many therapists, there have also been studies on exactly how residency and fellowship programs may affect clinical outcomes and improve the quality of care given to the patient. Through these studies, researchers have found a variety of benefits. They have found greater patient outcomes, benefits on therapist efficiency and effectiveness, as well as increased leadership behaviors in therapists that attend a residency or fellowship program. Before residency and fellowship programs became popular, there was research completed on how other forms of

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