
Therapist's Communication Theory

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Therapist met with individual mother to discuss progression or regression of individual. Individual mom states that individual was in trouble for being disrespectful toward his teacher. Therapist informed individual mom that she will work with individual on positive communication skills to assist individual with positive response toward authority figures. Individual mom states she will continue to make sure individual uses the skills to help him do better with respecting authority figures. Individual shows regression toward respect toward authority figures due to individual talking back and not following the rules as reported by individual mom.

Therapist plans to meet with individual and mom on Thursday, August 25, 2016 between 9-11 AM to work on positive communication skills to assist individual with responding positive with authority figures through role-play. …show more content…

Therapist and individual mom discuss individual behaviors that individual displays regarding the diagnosis, and how individual behaviors have an effect on individual staying on task, complying with requests from teacher, and getting along with her peers in class. Therapist encouraged mother to use suggestion given from therapist to assist individual with making better decision to avoid getting into trouble.

Per individual mom reports, individual displays minimal progress in positive mood swing due to individual being able to sit down and complete her class work without bothering anyone.

Therapist plans to meet with individual and mom on Thursday, August 30, 2016 between 10-12 PM to work on incorporating decision-making to improve overall mood of depression through

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