
There Will Be Soft Rains Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

The tone of an author’s story sets the mood or feelings the reader feels.The author of “There Will Be Soft Rains” affected the way the reader felt about the Poem…. It made the reader realize that the author wrote a great story and it persuade the reader to want to be in this house. It feeled like it made the atmosphere go blank. As the author got the tone it made the reader have a unknown and frighten tone. However, In the poem at the begin of there will come soft rains on page 215 the tone is frightened .Tick tock seven o'clock time to get up time to get up seven o'clock as if it were afraid that nobody would.The house lay empty.It affect me by as the house was purified that no one would get up. On page 217 The dog once huge and fleshy, but now gone to bone and cover with sources moved in and through the house tracking mud the tone of that passage was petrified. …show more content…

The tone is breaking down.It was like the house was given up band don't care no more. Then,In the poem monkey paws on page 189 The first owner had three wishes yes.I don't know what the first to where for but all I know the third wish was to die.The tone is unknown .I would be scared to get the paw but I don't want to ask it something the get karma. On page 190 Get rid of it ! And give up our chance to be rich and famous and happy? Wish to be a emperor Dad, to start off with then mum cant boss you an around. The tone of that passage is hopeful. Try to make something out of it and all it is going to get you in a big mess. On page 192 The only two wishes .We’ve only have one . Then tone of the passage is risky. Take a chance and it might happen or might not come true but always

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