
Thesis Sample Survey Questionnaire

Satisfactory Essays


Please be informed that the researcher is conducting a study on “The Effectiveness of Advanced reading to the Average Grade Of Saint Benenedict School of Novaliches Seniors”. In connection with this the author constructed a questionnaire to gather information for the study. Your participation in the study by way of answering this is very vital. Without it, the study will not be complete as it should be. Kindly fill up the questionnaire with honesty. Please feel assured that your anonymity and the information you will give will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. Thank you very much for your very kind response to my request and if you are interested I will supply you with …show more content…

Do you agree that the information you have read will retain in your mind? __ Yes __No
8. Did advanced reading improve your memory retention? __ a little bit __ much __ very much __ not

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