
Thesis Statement On Gender Wage Gap

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Some researchers do believe that a gender wage gap exists due to women's age compared to men but women have had a substantially gain throughout the year (1970 – 1995). Ornstein (2011) conducted a study by looking at the mean earning of men and women in terms of age and years, and found out that “women made substantial earnings gains between 1970 and 1995, but there was no change between 1995 and 2000, and a substantial gender gap remains” Ornstein (2011), believes that women’s remuneration fluctuate over the years when they age, his research revealed that “In 2000, women under 30 averaged 82 percent of the earnings of men the same age, falling to 78 percent at ages 30–34, 74 percent at ages 35–39, 70 percent at ages 40–49, about 68 percent …show more content…

According to Ioakimidis (2012) reports that gender wage gap to due women's life and work cycles. In addition, one major barrier that leads the number of high-level position jobs in becoming extreme jobs is that it requires an individual to work more than 40 hours per week. However, according to Eagly (2011), she outlines that common notion that those who put longer hours into their jobs will generally rise faster, this makes it difficult for women who have family responsibilities. Consequently, another reason for explaining the current gender wage gaps is that women ultimately choose to study less rewarding subjects, by entering lower-paying professions and stay towards the bottom rungs of the career ladder. Although their choices might give them flexible working hours, it also negatively affects their earnings. (Bussin, …show more content…

According to Johansson et al (2005) “differences in the educational requirements for jobs have contributed considerably to gender earnings inequality.” Kara (2006) demonstrated that women get remunerated less with no formal schooling, however, the wage gap decreases among genders with higher education. Gregorio and Lee (2002) also found that higher educational attainment led to more equal income between men and women. Kara (2006) found that women with high school and college degrees are more likely to work than women with lower levels of education. A study done by Löfström (1989) found that returns for women to education and to work experience are far lower than men. According to Johansson et al (2005), in a decomposition analysis he found that the measured differences in jobs and qualifications between women and men can account only for between two-fifths and three-fifths of the gender wage

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