
Thespian Community Analysis

Decent Essays

I have been volunteering in the New Albany community since 2012. I started by helping out at the local church, Five14. At Five14 I watch the kids while their parents go to the service. While watching the kids I am responsible for the task of teaching these children about God and Jesus. This a a positive and productive activity because I am able to work hand in hand with these young children and I get to see how I can help change their life with the help of God. Ever since I have started helping at the church I have seen lives being changed every week because the kids are now trying to use God in their lives everyday. This then contributes back to the community because when the kids start to change and act in better behaviors at a younger age it helps them to not grow into bad habits and bad choices later in life. …show more content…

Some of the things that I am tasked with include helping make decisions on the plays/musicals, making plans for the members to get together and make new relationships, and overall watch over and change the Drama Department in any way needed. A task that I had been recently assigned was to try and get the Drama Department varsity letters. About a month ago I was successful in that task. It took about six months to get them but when we were awarded with the letters the Drama Department was changed. This was a major award because now, because of the planning and pushing that I had put into this project, the Drama Department can give out varsity letters every year to students who have met the requirements. This project has impacted and changed the community because now there is a bigger support for the arts throughout the community and, like said before, students now have the access to earn a letter later in their high school

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