They Say I Say is extremely useful in learning how to write argumentative papers because the authors discuss the “I say” of an argumentative paper by providing many real life examples and templates for new writers to experiment with. For example, on page 60, templates are provided for disagreeing with an argument and using reasoning. One of the templates reads, “X claims that ___ rests upon the questionable assumption that ___”(Graff). On page 62, templates for agreeing are presented, one of which is, “X is surely right about ___ because, as she may not be aware, recent studies have shown”(Graff). It is also expressed in this chapter that students feel uncomfortable agreeing with arguments made or disagreeing. On page 63 the authors also recognize
Graff and Birkenstein believe to become an effective writer on would start off with what “They are saying”. After you state the they say you can introduce your viewpoint/ argument so it can give the reader an idea of what you’re writing about. I like the idea of using the “they say” technique. Especially when writing an argumentative essay this strategy gives your essay more credibility. It gives the reader of sense that you can acknowledge a point of view even it opposes your own. Graff and Birkenstein also suggest to summarize the they say. Summarizing helps you understand the information better without
The first part of They Say I Say focuses on how to properly introduce what others are saying and stresses the importance of providing context for one’s own argument. The authors explain how the context and purpose for the writing needs to be established, preferably early on, in order to interest readers to about an argument (20). By giving the readers background information, the readers will have a much easier time relating to the author’s argument. After demonstrating the need to provide the “they say” portion of an essay, the authors move on to how exactly one can introduce others’ arguments. The three main ways of introducing others’ ideas discussed throughout the first part of the book are paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting. For each of the three, the authors discuss pitfalls that writers should avoid and strategies that writers can use to improve. An example of a pitfall when summarizing is how many writers can accidentally create a “list summary”, which does not differentiate the information in the original work that is
In the ¨Cost Of Survival”, the author proposes that adventures that who willingly put themselves in danger should be responsible for the pay for the fees of the SAR. The Search and Rescue team,
While I was reading the book “They Say, I Say”, the authors have made good key points in this chapter of the book and had some important stuff for students to remember. When it comes to templates, to help us think more and maybe it will help us improve a little better when it comes to writing. In the book “ They Say, I Say” by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein they both state that “ Too often, however, academic writing is taught as a process of saying “true” or “smart” things in a vacuum, as if it were possible to argue effectively without being a conversation with someone else. This is true because for me, writing was a process where we had to do it over and over again until we got the use of it. The templates that the authors showed us
In this week’s journal we were assigned reading in the They Say, I Say book. The assigned reading was to teach us how to write papers in an argumentative form, either agreeing with a statement, disagreeing, or a little of both. As explained in our chapter often writers are afraid to argue a statement, based on the fact that they feel as if they do not have enough knowledge about the information. The question to be answered in this journal is, how do I see myself as an arguer?
In the Introduction to They Say, I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing, Gerald Graff, Russel Durst and Cathy Birkenstein provide templates designed to format different ideas contradicting sides while building a structure in a clear and organized way. Specifically, Graff and Birkenstein argue that the types of writing templates they offer a way to engage in critical thinking and analyze the supporting ideas you formulate in a reasonable way, yet, also given the opportunity to explain why or for what cause you're disputing your point and explaining how you disagree or agree with other points made if there are any. As the authors themselves put it, "academic writing is argumentative writing... You need to enter a conversation, using what others say as a launching pad or sounding board for your own views" (page 3).
As is his weekly custom, Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Schneider, who learns b'chavrusa with Rabbi Steinman, related the Rosh Yeshiva's talks from the previous week. Rabbi Schneider retold Rabbi Steinman's reference to smartphone owners.
On 7/09/2015, at 1916 hours, I was on duty, in uniform, and driving a marked police vehicle (0913). Off. Martin and I were dispatched to the Gateway Transit Center (115 E Front Street - which is in the city limits of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington State) on report that Jodi Schweitzer was trying to start fights with others present.
We have all taken part in an argument in our lives. Whenever we beg our parents for special permission to do something or go somewhere, we are using a form of rhetoric. However, these strategies for persuasion are not very formal when writing a persuasive essay or letter. The first step in persuading the reader in argumentative writing is to create a clearly stated claim, that is arguable. In other words, make a thesis in which other reasonable people can disagree. For example, the claim, “school uniforms should be enforced,” gives a chance for people to disagree and see both sides the of the argument. While the claim, “school uniforms should not be enforced,” restricts us to only see what one group says. This in turn does not make a compelling
In the United States, there has been, and always will be a debate on education.While some feel it is very important and crucial to success, others feel it is unessential to our happiness and well being. Many assume that education and success are directly associated with intellectualism. In this essay, I will review the current trend in research on intellectualism, which many feel is to enforce pursuing a higher education, due to a common belief among the American people that those who do not receive a higher education are seemingly less intelligent. Research on this topic increasingly suggests that those who receive a higher education, tend to make more money, rating them as more successful in the eyes of
Although during World War II, a strong case of bystanders is seen, there were also cases of rescuers who came to the aid of the innocent victims. The rescuers saved thousands of innocent lives, however in total their number was minute compared to the millions of people who died. Rescuers ranged from people such as nannies and peasants, to doctors, police officers, and social workers. They came from nations such as Ukraine, Poland, Germany, France, Hungary, Denmark, Italy, Greece, Belgium, etc. They decided to not view the Jews as rivals, or to alienate them, but instead to stand up for them and view them as human beings. Rescuers strongly believed that one person could truly make a difference.
My honest thought on argumentation prior to starting this course were that argumentation was going to very easy. I simply thought that it would consist of arguing with someone back and forth trying to get my point across. But i was wrong, base off my pro/con speech and the few chapters that we have covered i've realized that argumentation is more complex than what i had expected it to be. There is different ways that someone can go about when state their claim using Rogerian argumentations style or using Aristotle’s rhetorical appeals or other forms of argumentation styles. After my speech i realized that a clear and controversial topic is needed in order to see both sides of the claim. Aside from a topic research is very important it must be credible the more credibility one has the better are your chances of persuading the audience. Now i see argumentation as a process of reasoning that must consist of organized information and credible sources.
In the article I’m Fine with God…but I Can’t Stand Christians Who Impose Their Morality on Others, authors Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz critique the Christian faith’s self ordained position of society’s moral leaders. They write that Christians have no right to be in this position because of their low esteem within the culture, their hypocrisy, their lack of credibility and the blatant rejection by society’s new post-modern view. Bickel and Jantz begin with a discussion on society’s view of Christians, none of which are positive. They state that this is a known fact that even Christians agree with. They then begin to compare the Christians with legalistic Pharisees. In other words, just as Pharisees failed God’s commands so have
The writer starts off with stating the progression of the “They Say I Say” novel, explaining that once you read and interpreted the opposing argument, we move onto developing our own argument. One thing the writer did bring up was the consensus of how people would respond to having to write your own argument. Bottom line, we all believe we don’t know how to do it nor feel confident enough to interject our own opinion. What we don’t realize is we actually can.
Times. /americas/19iht-princeton.1.10175351.html Fitzsimmons, W. 2014. Time out or Burn out for the Next Generation. Retrieved from