
Things Fall Apart Folktales

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Things Fall Apart – Journal 9 Myths are used by primitive people to record their history to make sure it gets passed down to future generations. Achebe incorporates folktales and myths into Things Fall Apart to illustrate the Igbo culture, characters, and experiences. These folktales appear a myths and legends which typically explain natural events. Myths are used as tools for teaching their children the history and values of their ancestors. Many draw themselves from the earth, sky, and nature, which the African culture believes to be a central part of what it means to be human. For Okonkwo, folktales are instruments of wisdom which provide important values and morals in order to keep peace within his tribe and to sustain their customs and traditions. Okonokwo tells masculine stories of bloodshed and violence, however Nyowe still prefers the stories his mother tells, which are soothing and less violent. He recalls the story of the quarrel between the Earth and Sky. Sky withheld rain for years and crops dried up and the deceased could not be buried in the hard Earth. Vulture was sent to Sky to ask for forgiveness. Sky finally conceded to forgive and gave Vulture rain wrapped in tree leaves to give to Earth. On the way back home, Vulture’s, “long talon pierced the leaves and the rain fell as it had never fallen beforeˮ (53). This story illustrates the tribe’s dependence on nature for its survival, and how children are naturally drawn to mother earth and all its

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