
Thomas Aquinas's Five Arguments For The Existence Of God

Decent Essays

Many people struggle with whether or not they think God is real. Did someone create us or are we alone in this world? Is someone watching over us at all times? Is there a heaven? There is so much controversy over these questions. Since there is no visible proof of God, it is hard for people to believe. There are atheists, agnostics, skeptics, freethinkers, and many other types of non-believers. In contrast to these views, I will argue that there is a God. In fact, Thomas Aquinas tries to explain the existence of God through five arguments. My paper will argue this view by appealing to the five arguments that Thomas Aquinas has discussed in his Summa Theologiae. These arguments include the argument of motion, the argument of efficient causes, …show more content…

Aquinas studied Aristotle’s observation that nothing can move on its own. Everything that moves in this universe is moved by something else. This is proven by the fact that “things move when potential motion becomes actual motion” and “nothing can be at once in both actuality and potentiality in the same respect, therefore nothing can move itself” (Gracyk1). For James Kidd gives an example a movement in his article, Five Ways or Five Proofs. Kidd explains that an eight ball moves by a cue balls which moves by a pool cue, which in turn moves by the player. He then adds, “we cannot have an infinite regress of movers, so there has to be an unmoved mover to account for all other motion in the universe” (Kidd 1). If A is moved by B and C is moved by B, what moved A? Because everything is in motion due to other things being in motion, there must have been, what Artistole calls, a “primer mover” that was put into motion by not other. Thomas Aquinas argues that this primer mover is God. God is the only person who has power in moving something without other forces acting upon it. It is impossible for everything else to move without one thing starting the movement. Also, our senses provide proof that things are in motion. There is no argument against things being in

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