
Thomas Hobbes Impact On Society

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Philosophy allows humans to open their minds and think deeper into the world. The mind is vast and immeasurable, and the study of philosophy allows us to use it to its full potential by thinking philosophically. Many great philosophers have come up with different revolutionary ideas that has shaped individuals as well as societies. Their ideas have given impact to perspective socially, politically and economically. Some of the most noted philosophers are Thomas Hobbes, René Descartes and Immanuel Kant. These philosophers have impacted my perspective and they continue to be relevant in current day society. Perhaps you could call Thomas Hobbes the pessimist of all the philosophers. His writing, The Leviathan, presents a rather bleak …show more content…

Perhaps we would like to think that men would be fair and just in accordance to what they see as right virtue. Thomas Hobbes totally disagrees with this idea saying that men are selfish nature and their natural states is war. Furthermore, Thomas Hobbes said, " And therefore if any two men desire the same thing, which nevertheless they cannot both enjoy, they become enemies; and in their way to their endeavor to destroy or subdue one another" (pg 276). It's almost as if he sees humans as animals who cannot be tamed. Hobbes has not done much to impact my perspective, he just further proved to me in his philosophy what I already asserted myself. A lot of his views on society are still used today and some even in the Constitution. For example, the idea that all men are born equal comes from John Locke. However, Thomas Hobbes comes up with the idea of natural liberties and that idea that the people have the right to overthrow a government that no longer supports them. No matter how much society tries to come to the conclusion that we are all good in nature, our actions prove us otherwise and Thomas Hobbes shows how our nature is actually evil in his …show more content…

If an object or thing does not think, it does not have a mind and therefore it does not exist. Descartes' mind body split theory led him to believe that the information we receive through our senses might not be accurate. An encounter he had led him to attack the idea that our senses contain accurate information and he began to question whether he existed. In Descartes' dream argument, he argues that our dreams can be so vivid and so real. Because our dreams can feel so real, this does not allow us to know if we are awake or in a dream state. Moreover, If our senses cannot tell the difference between a dream and reality how can we trust them to tell us if we are really in a waking

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