
Three Branches Of Political Institutions

Decent Essays

Political Institutions
In America, the federal government’s power is divided between three branches: the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. The executive consists of the president, vice president, cabinet members, and the heads of independent agencies. They work together to ensure that the laws of the United States are followed. The legislature, or congress, is divided into two groups: Senate and House of Representatives and they are primarily responsible for creating laws. Each state receives two senators in the Senate and representation in the House is based on population size. The third branch, the judiciary, consists of the Supreme Court and other federal courts and they are responsible for explaining laws, determining what is and is not constitutional, and creating precedents. Each branch of government serves to …show more content…

This finding was significant because, in fact, the reverse was true (Mettler, 2011). Upper-class and wealthy families enjoyed the greatest benefit because the tax code rewards behaviors most often exuded by the affluent (p. 21). For example, the wealthier are more likely to have larger mortgages, donate to charitable organizations, and are subject to a higher marginal tax rate and thus benefit from a wider range of tax credits and deductions that the average or low-income family cannot claim (Mettler, 2011, p. 202). Furthermore, Mettler found, “Most submerged policies…actually exacerbate inequality; they shower their most generous benefits on affluent people, and they generate detrimental side effects that adversely impact those who are less well-off,” (p. 22). There are various examples supporting the claim that the government has increased the number of submerged policies and that these policies are not only invisible but also detrimental for poor and middle-class

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