
Three Day Road And Criminal Justice

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Three Day Road and Criminal Justice The novel “Three Day Road” intertwines the story of a young soldier during the First World War and the experiences of his aunt growing up in pre-20th century Canada. Though at face-value this seems to have little relation to the study of the Criminal Justice system, the two narratives tackle important issues. With the soldier’s experiences, the reader contemplates the place of law and justice on the battlefields and the effect of these actions once the war is over. As we learn about the life of the soldier’s aunt, we are made aware of the wrongs done to Native American people in Canada’s history and how this is still having repercussions. By reading “Three Day Road,” people involved in the justice …show more content…

Xavier’s experiences in World War One also remind us of how circumstances can smudge the line between morally correct and incorrect. Though most people in Canada have been taught the inalienable right to life and respect for the lives of others, soldiers who once killed for necessity alone can become caught up in the glory of the battlefield. In “Three Day Road,” Xavier’s childhood friend, Elijah, becomes known for his skill as a sniper and begins to see killing as a game. He even goes to the extent of collecting trophies in the form of scalps. Xavier describes this as “war madness” (Boyden, 2005, p.269). Through that ability to kill without thought, people like Elijah have been able to establish a place for themselves in the military, earning medals and honours, but they suffer greatly when the war ends and they return home. According to Lawrence (2003), after World War One Britain experienced a period of turmoil in which former soldiers played a large role. The country was gripped by violence as people with revolutionary intent motivated the working class to overthrow the upper-class once and for all, and ex-servicemen caused disorder among civilians (Lawrence, 2003). Many citizens feared that peace would never return because the men of the country had been so brutalized by the war, and that they would never be able to settle into life as it used to be (Lawrence, 2003). Though the state of affairs in Britain quieted down, the aftermath of war is always

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