
Three Major Sociological Perspectives

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Sociological Perspectives In order to understand have theory of Sociological perspectives you must first define the three major philosophies. The first sociological perspective will be the symbolic interactionist perspective which focus on the everyday details of life. They look at how people interpret different signs and symbolic images that have a specific meaning to the originator but sometimes loses meaning to the receiver. Since words are not concrete and can sometime be manipulated to another person to justify why they thought this was the correct interpretation. The second sociological perspective I would like to address is the Functionalist perceptive which focus on how we are held together by adapting to social consensus. The majority …show more content…

We as a society truly believe that this issue is not a major problem anymore but are sadly mistaken. I believe some people believe the verbiage of Racism is the same as Racial Discrimination which have different meaning. Racism is define as “The total belief that the human race are divided into distinctive classes the deemed ones cultures are far superior to others. This superiority gives them autonomy to dominate and rule all others. Society will continue to put on the BLACK FACE to this issue until it affect their backyard. A prime example of this would be the epidemic of Crack Drugs in society, it was NEVER a problem when it was relegated to the poor black improvised neighborhoods for many years and the government did not care how many died of this drug. When it left these neighborhoods and invaded the white suburban middle class society then the outcry for government intervention on this drug changed. It was now an epidemic and MUST be address and that was when President Ronald Regan declare a War on Drugs and vowed to eradicate it off our land. Was this a blind attempt to cover up the level of racism at the higher level of government or was this just an oversight on their part as to how crack has changed the lives of so many …show more content…

They believe that in order to have a thriving society that it must be cohesion with beliefs and values that we all are in agreement with. They also believe if you established a system that builds on one another to achieve the same goal will flourished always. We all should have to live by the same fundamental established rules. A prime example of this is the functionalism criticism of how divorces impact the society in a negative way. They do not want to hear why a person is getting divorce but why they cannot stay together and honor their vows until death do them apart. The physically and mentally abuse a spouse sustain over their marriage should not be a factor in this dissolution. Change is bad for them and just makes more problems in their society

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