
Three People Who Have Influenced Me the Most in Life

Decent Essays

Three People Who Have Influenced Me the Most In Life

Do you have anyone you cherish and love? Can you think of someone who you could not live without? Have you stopped and thought about who inspires you? Do you know someone who has influenced you? For me, there have been three influential people in my life who I love and cherish. I know I could not live without them because they inspire me so much. Those people are my mom, papa, and my best friend Jessie. They have all influenced me in many ways.
First, I know that my mother has influenced me in a great number of ways. My mother has taught me about comfort. She’s always there for me and makes me feel comfortable even in odd situations. My mom has taught me about courage. She’s gone …show more content…

I remember thinking that she really didn’t like me, but little did I know we would soon become great friends. Over the course of about six months, we started confiding in each other, asking for each others opinions, and even telling each other about our past. She is the first person to truly know me and accept me for who I am. Jessie isn’t just a friend that I have things in common with. In actuality, I don’t have much in common with her. The reason ‘ve become so close to

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