People all grow up in different places, around different people, under different circumstance and, all of these cause different effects on their lives. People are who they are today because of the experiences that they faced. Until I was a teenager, it was always just my mom and I. I never met my “dad”, not even from day one. I never was able to get to know him, or see him, but I did have a mom. I faced the odds of becoming the stereotypical kid with a single parent that went down the wrong path, but I never did. Life caused me to have a single mother that has made me the strong person that I am today. Watching my mother live from pay check to pay check when I was young was difficult. It was always hard for my mom to keep up with other parents but, she still somehow managed to get me everything I wanted, and more. Even though I was too young to understand, I could feel the stress, and the struggles my mom faced every day. She was only 20 years old when I was born and, because of that she had no choice but to grow up fast. At such a young age, I saw the effects of being a single parent, and the ways it changed my mom. She not only had to be a young mother but, she had to find a way to replace the void of a father, or a father figure in my life. My mom was strong, independent and courageous. Growing up watching her live her dreams under all the circumstances she faced, made me want to strive for a better life for myself. Seeing how hard is was to live and to have enough
By the grace of god, I was given a wonderful mom that actually cared about me and wanted me to succeed and live a good life other than the one I was living in back in the day. She heavily supported me throughout my elementary and intermediate years of school and she still gives me that same support. She gave me hope for a better future. My mentality frame in middle school was to get my mom out from the poverty lifestyle and later in life purchase her a house
Being raised just by my Mom for a while had a major effect on the person I came to be today. When you think about a Mom, you tend to think loving and caring. With my mom raising me, she taught me just that. Growing up she taught me the values of being respectable to my elders, how to have proper manners, how to treat a girl correctly, etc… Most people would think that because of this, their son may come out to be “girly”. Since a father figure is not present. Although, I knew growing up that I had to act as the “man” of the house. So when my
As I got older things got better, my mom got help for her drug problem and I got healthier with the help of my dad and step mother. While living with my father my mom was supposed to come every other weekend to visit me, and many of the times she was scheduled she did not come because she could not afford the gas. This made me upset sometimes because I thought she didn’t want me or she was doing more important things. After being disappointed so many times it made me stronger because I learned not to let other people control my
When I was born my mother was 16 and my father was 17 my father had just joined the military and was getting ready to be deployed to Iraq for three years. He left when my mom was eight months pregnant with me. She was alone when she gave birth and she little to no support from the people around her. But she never let that faze her. She continued high school while working and still making time to raise
My mother has a substantial impact on my life which shaped me into the college-ready young man I am today. When I was just a sophomore in high school she got arrested and removed out of my life in a flash. My two sisters and I did not know what to do. We had no father figure in our life, so, our grandparents came in and took us under their wing. Not knowing what to do, I was panicking asking myself questions like what am I going to do now and where am I going to attend school. These were really tough decisions knowing that I do not have a say in what happens. Having to leave all my close childhood friends, along with all the memories I had made in my hometown, it was a very dramatic sequence of events.
Growing up in the south, being an African American male, and raised by a single mother shaped me in an unique way; a way that would be completely different from a white male the same age, same social class, and also by a single mother. Being raised by a single mother can be very difficult for both the parent as well as a child, but for generations these mother-child bonds have been generally successful. I’m the only child to a single mother as I mentioned earlier, the mother-child bond was strong. This of course had positives, but it had negatives as well. How my mother raised me was different in each life stage with their own positives and negatives.
Although my life has been awesome, no one is exempt from hardship. Seeing my single mother struggle to support me has helped me learn the importance of dedication and love. Being a single parent must not be easy, but my mother did it was perfection.
All my life, my mom has been by my side motivating and directing me in the rite direction. When you get older you start realizing your mom will not always be there to hold your hand through life. A little under two years ago I had mu son Thiago. Having a child is a life changing epierience for most people, but for me it was an eye opener. I had to immidiatly grow up, not only to think about how to better my life but his life as well. Every day I wake up Isee my son sleeping so iinnocently not knowing what to expect of his day or his future to come. Because of Thiago I am motivated to strive at a good education to provide a stable future for the both of us. That being said , every day god gives me another day to see my son that's all the
Ever since my parents divorced, my mother had to work two jobs to be able to pay the bills. She basically worked all day, and I was only able to see her for a little during the night, during the day me and my brother would have to stay with our aunt. I never once saw my mom cry or want to give up because of
Growing up, I went through so many obstacles that have helped me shape me into who I am today. In elementary, I struggled with learning English. Both of my parents are Spanish speaking so school was hard for me. All the way up until middle school, I grew up with an abusive father. My parents eventually got divorced. I was raised by a single mother and was bullied a lot. I was always scared, confused, alone, and angry. I suffered emotionally and physically. I felt lifeless. In 7th grade, I started to become more active in the church ,and my life change for the better. I stopped holding resentment towards my father. Once my parents finally got a divorce, I was finally able to start to live. All the pain I went through made me stronger and more knowledgeable. My father showed me what not to be ,and made me realize I deserved better.
Individuals are shaped by their experiences throughout life. Some have more incredibly positive experiences, such as winning the lottery multiple times. While others have more negative experiences, like continued death in a family. I have had to face and overcome being abandoned by both of my biological parents. As a younger child, this had a great effect on me, but now as I am preparing to enter the real world, I am not phased; I realized the reason was nothing to do with me, it was not my fault.
Growing up with only one single parent is one of the most significant challenges that I have ever had to face. I have not only grown up without a proper father figure, but the struggles that my mother and family have had to overcome were challenging in itself. Single mothers, especially those that must provide for more than one child, are hard working individuals. Single mothers always put their family before themselves in order to support their families. I myself have witnessed the selfless deeds that my own mother has done. She works very hard to make sure that me, and my other two siblings, are not in need of anything. My mother makes sure that she had the ability to provide for her family no matter the conflict. As for myself, I have concluded that single mothers do not have to be dependent on someone else, they are capable of many things that break many patriarchal idea and thoughts.
Parenting styles have had many controversial issues over the decades. The way people raised their children back in the 50’s and 60’s are completely different from today society. Back then they believe in the nuclear family, which is a family with a mom, dad, and children. They believe staying together at all cost. If something was breaking or broken you fixed it. At times you wonder if they stayed for love, money, or just for the sake of the children. Now and days it is not the same. Families are broken up for many reasons. Rather it be by death, the other parent wanting out (such as divorce). But in the end there is always a single parent left to take care of the kids in most situations. When something like this happens a negative connotation is brought to the single parent. This paper would show the effects of being raised by a single parent. Just like everything in life there is a good and bad side to everything. So in this paper you should learn the negative and positive effect of being raised by a single parent. The problem of the matter is that society tends to write off the child of single parents. Stating that they are lead down this road of destruction and grouping the entire single parent raised children without seeing the other side. Not saying that being raised by a single parent does not come with it hardships, but the fact is that there is still hope for those children and they can do very well. By always stating the negative it leaves the
My mother’s life is one that I look back to for guidance and up to with admiration. It has impacted me. Growing up, she did not have much. She was a part of a family that
Everyone has a different way of living and a different personality, and a lot of it has to do with how a person was brought up and their background. The person that I am today has a lot to do with my family's impact, the people I hung out with, the type of home I lived in, and the community I was raised in. There was a lot of lessons to be learned, but I was able to stick through them, and carry on with my life to the point where I am now.