
Three Simple Thing Analysis

Decent Essays

What is happiness? The essay, “Three Simple Things,” the author gave us the definition of happiness from as "an active or passive state of pleasure or satisfaction." In his own special way, the author writes about how friends, families, and his belief in God are the things that make him happy the most. Sure people may feel their happiness is being healthy and alive. There are many things that could make me happy, but the three that make me happy the most is spending time with my three girls, being with families, and fishing. One thing that makes me happy the most is spending quality time with my three girls. No matter how bad the day started, they will always end the day with happiness. Just the other day we all got together …show more content…

I was introduced to fishing by my dad when I was a little boy and I have been hooked on it ever since. I like it because to me it is more about socializing and friendships. One might not think so but it is a very competitive sport. By the end of the day, you want to be the one who caught the biggest fish. One day my dad and I went fishing. It is toward the end of the day when suddenly there was a strong pull on my line. As I yanked it back and started to reel the line in, but this fish was too strong. It kept pulling hard. I can hear my dad yelling, “Take it easy and don’t lose it!” The game of tug of war between me and the fish last about an hour before it gave up. It was the biggest shark I have ever seen. My arms were so tired from all the reeling and pulling, but it was so worth it. We release the shark back into the water and head back home. He didn’t say it but I know my dad was proud of me that day. There is something about catching fish which just gives you such an adrenalin burst and it becomes an addictive experience which you just want to try again and again. I try to introduce fishing to my little girls like my dad did for me, but they do not like it period. I guess fishing is not for

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