
Through My Eyes Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

Not giving up, helping other people before himself and having a strong faith in god, Tebow shows that faith can be a motivational presence that can help achieve a dream that used to be a distant reality in the book Through My Eyes. The authors purpose is to inform the readers about Tebow’s life and how his unyielding commitment to faith helped him achieve his lifelong dream of playing professional football. Tebow effectively illustrates ethos and logos by using his first hand experiences and his inspirational tone helps pull the reader in. Tebow starts the novel with a background of his life to establish credibility. Tebow praises that faith helped him accomplish his goals and aims to prove that in the novel. He tells about his family helped him commit to faith and these real life experiences helped establish his credibility, “ We talked about bible verses every day as a family”(16). The reader can infer that Tebow had a very strong family bond by reading about …show more content…

He states helped him achieve success and was able to help him to never give up. The reader gets a sense of truth in what he’s saying. His faith only strengthened and grew when the people around him believers of faith too. “Somebody had a guitar and for the next couple of hours, we just sang hymns and other worship songs”(202). By reading this the reader can see that the team had a spiritual bond that helped them work as a team and be successful. With Tebow saying how faith played a big part in his life and the success that came along, the reader can conclude that faith helped Tebow achieve success. “I worked as hard as I could, but give the result whatever it is, to the lord”(208). He pushed himself to the breaking point he credited his success to the lord. The facts and experiences in the novel are compelling and persuasive to the reader and can acknowledge that faith genuinely did help

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