
Through The Tunnel Moral

Decent Essays

Moral of a story, though theme doesn't have to be a moral. Every story has a theme(s) and can be interpreted in many different ways and can be seen from different vantage/ view points. A theme of a story usually has a deeper meaning that you can apply to your own life. The three main themes in “Through the Tunnel”, are perseverance, hard work pays off, and face your fears. The theme in the short story, “Through the Tunnel” was very intriguing and interesting to me and hopefully I can use the moral of the story in my life.

“Through the Tunnel” is about a young English boy who is on vacation with his mother. They are on vacation in a foreign land and are at the beach. Jerry goes out and sees local boys jumping off cliffs into the water. Jerry, to fit in starts to do the same. Then the local boys go through an underwater tunnel which leads them to the other side of a bridge. After seeing that Jerry was unable to swim through the underwater tunnel, the local boys leave and laugh at him. This made Jerry sad and angry, but motivated him to work at it and set a goal to swim through it. Every …show more content…

Perseverance was a big theme in this story, and without it I do not believe that Jerry would have made it through the tunnel. Jerry tried many a times to swim through the tunnel but realized that he had to keep training which is where the theme of hard work pays off. Jerry started holding his breathe and timing himself so that he could hold his breath longer while going through the tunnel. All Jerry needed to work on to go through the tunnel was holding his breath for a long duration of time while he swam through the tunnel. Lastly, Jerry was scared when he saw the boys doing these outrages things like jumping off the cliff or rocks and swimming through a tunnel. It took a lot of bravery and courage to man up and do the same which is where the theme of facing your fears comes into

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