
Tics And Tourette Syndrome

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TIC Dsorders: Tics or spasm-like movements of particular muscles, often affect face and the eyelids. These are unvoluntary movements, but the person with tic is maybe able to suppress the actions shortly. Although, the suppression results in discomfort that grows until it is relieved by performing again that tic.
Tics are often made of multiple continuous occurrences of the same action. For instance, a tic of blinking eyes multiple times or twitching nose repeatedly; the vocal tics are like throat clearing, coughing, and sniffing.
Motor tics can be classified as either simple or complex. Simple motor tics may include movements such as shoulder-shrugging, eye-blinking, nose-twitching, and head-jerking. Complex motor tics are series of movements performed in the same order. For instance a person might kick out with one leg and then the other. No one knows exactly what causes tics to occur. Stress might be one of the triggers. …show more content…

Individuals with chronic Tic disorder have either motor tics or vocal tics that have been present for more than a year, and individuals with Provisional Tic Disorder have tics that have been present for less than a year.
Medications could used to reduce motor tics or vocal tics caused by Tourette syndrome. For example pimozide is a medication that works by decreasing the activity of dopamine in the brain.
In many instances, no treatment is needed, tics could resolve automatically; in other cases behavioral therapy with the suggestion of “life style change”, medication, or a combination of the two is

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