
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Analysis

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A way to describe this condition would be a mental and emotional stress happening due to the cause of a prior history of mental illness or a dramatic psychological shock. Some examples of a PTSD situation would be coming back from military warlike soldiers, death in the family, or for me, a motor vehicle accident in a head-on collision in a passenger seat. Everyone came out perfectly safe from the car accident with minor injuries. The aftermath of the accident is what changed my life. According to the National Center for PTSD, “there are five main types of posttraumatic stress disorder which include the following: normal stress response, acute stress disorder, uncomplicated PTSD, comorbid PTSD, and complex PTSD” (National Center). I suffer …show more content…

I came to a point in my life that I only feel comfortable if I was with a group of friends and I was the driver. It took me to that state that it's not a discouragement with my friends, but a way to set myself to feel safer knowing that I'm in charge of my life. Another issue that causes me to feel emotional and Sets me to a sad/crying state would be the sound of car brakes squeaking, and the smell of rubber tires. It's an uncontrollable feeling that lasts about a thirty seconds, but afterward, I feel completely normal again. To me all the signs from the PTSD car accident causing me to be in a survival mode to prepare for the worst …show more content…

Dr. say there are many types of Tourette's, in motor Tourette's there are uncontrollable movements like eye blinking, shoulder shrugging, head jerking, and many other body movements. Vocal tics would be one like humming, whistling, throat clearing, or sniffing. This sort of disability lasts up to 6 to 7 years. A lot of the first symptoms start in the facial area and later on move to tics in the arms or legs, and males are 3 to 4 times likely to have Tourette's than

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