
Tim Thomas 'Mistake In The Movie Seven Pounds'

Decent Essays

Have you ever felt guilty by something you have done wrong? How did you try to fix that mistake. Some people would want to do everything in their power to try to be forgiven or feel a bit of relief from the mistake they have made. What do you do if you cannot be forgiven or get over the mistake you have done. In the movie Seven Pounds, Tim Thomas made a mistake that end up costing the lives of seven people, including his wife. Over the years, he finally finds a solution he feels what will give him a peace of mind. Seven Pounds is a movie about a man named Tim Thomas that works as an engineer for a space company. He has a wife and a beautiful beach house. One day he was returning home from an event with his wife and was texting and driving. This resulted a car accident killing his wife and six other people. After the accident, …show more content…

He donated his heart to Emily. At the end of the movie, Ezra and Emily finally met each other. Ben did justify his means at the end. He donated his organs to change the lives of seven people. Since accidently killing seven people, he feels that doing this deed will make his guilt go away. In the film, George asks Ben how do he determines who is a good person. Ben replies to him “Being a good person when no one is watching is the key to being good”. Feeling depressed and guilty from the accident, Ben feels like giving all he has was the only way to make things right. I feel that it could of been another way to deal with his problem then to commit suicide. He maybe felt that it was the only way. This movie shows the values and assumptions that create our experiences and attitudes by showing us how much one little mistake that Ben made can change our whole perspective of life. We can determine who is truly a good person. We can really view how others are helping people to make them feel good about themselves. Each person that Ben helped has given their lives to help

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