
Time Capsule Research Paper

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Who doesn’t like buried treasure? Most young children attend a birthday party with a pirate theme at some point during their childhood, and the search for buried treasure is usually the highlight. Time capsules are an adult-like version of the pirate’s treasure chest, and one is able to get a glimpse of the past through real artifacts, or treasure, that someone thoughtfully prepared for future generations to uncover. The items that are placed in the capsule are extraordinarily meaningful to the individual who placed them there, and if one were to complete a capsule for a future community at Fox Lane Middle School, it would be certain to hold critical technology, vital household items, and important fads, since these items are thought to be necessities in the daily life of a middle school student today. Every day, …show more content…

The refrigerator is so widely used, as it is estimated that ninety-nine percent of households in the United States have one. The convenience of being able to store food that would otherwise rot makes it critical to the health of the nation. Although some middle school students may think a computer is more important than a refrigerator, it can be argued that a refrigerator is even more important, since it can store food to keep one alive. Most middle school students predictably walk into their homes after school and continue directly to the refrigerator to find something to eat. The microwave oven teams up with the refrigerator perfectly because it allows people to warm up the their food that has been kept fresh and cold, quickly and easily, and the oven can be safely used by children and young adults. The microwave oven, similar to the refrigerator, is used in ninety-five percent of households in the United

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