

Decent Essays

Time, the most impersonal and brutal of juggernauts, cares for neither civilizations nor their cultures; it destroys with a simplistic ease that even the most ardent of warmongers could never achieve. How then can something as simple, as pure, and as vulnerable as a dream stand against the slow but steady stream of time, that beats like particles of sand against the bottom of an hourglass? For a dream to continue to nourish the minds of the masses generation after generation, it must adapt--change to better fit the new circumstances that a change in time invariably evokes. But as a dream changes, is it as pure, as innocent, and as high-minded as it once was? Could the American dream, which has hereto defined the very spirit of the …show more content…

As the American dream is the strongest driving force behind Gatsby, his disillusionment as to its greatness is Fitzgerald striking a major blow in the illusion of greatness that the American dream has been surrounded with. Gatsby realizing that roses are grotesque because they die can be related back to him wedding his “incorruptible dreams” to Daisy who “blossomed like a flower”. In doing so, his own dream has become grotesque, and the new world, which is material and superficial like Daisy, is not real, it is but a false imitation of the “fresh, green breast of the new world…which had once pandered in whispers to the last and greatest of all human dreams” (180), the American dream. Fitzgerald uses the withering of roses to show that the American dream, which once blossomed, entertaining our capacity to wonder and driving us towards our goals, has withered in a materialistic world that has lost sight of true happiness. Fitzgerald makes parallels between the American dream and the city through Tom and Wolfsheim’s association with the city. But the American dream is “somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night” (180), and Fitzgerald therefore says that “There’s something very sensuous about [New York]—overripe, as if all sorts of funny fruits were going to fall into your hands” (125). Sensuous is

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