
Time Is A Tricky Concept

Satisfactory Essays

Time is a tricky concept, particularly when it comes to the measure of its progress. At any given point, from one perspective, a person can simultaneously be participating in past, present, and future forms of themselves over a given course of time; for example, consider a walking person: during their walk, they are engaging with their past, present and future selves as they interact with time by measure the changes in time via the changes in their states during their walk; their past state would be considered where they initially stood before moving, their present state being their moving from their starting point to their destination, and their future self being the state where they arrive at their destination. While it seems common to …show more content…

To McTaggart, he seems to primarily take issue with the ideas from the A-Series, as they tend to result in infinite regresses and therefore should be inherently rejected; however, both B-Theorists and A-Theorists provide alternatives that seem to side-step McTaggart’s arguments against the concept of time, and while both alternatives are viable, the A-Theorist’s alternative theory is fundamentally more sound when it comes to explaining time and the changing of the events over the course of time, as it serves to be more flexible and overall serve as a better explanation for the nature of time and the seemingly infinite open amount of possible changes that could occur over the passage of time. McTaggart’s argument against the existence of time follows along the lines of this logic: time can exist only if there is change, and that change can only be measured based on the common view of time being that of events perpetually transitioning from the future to become present events to become past events, as held by the A-Theorist perspective on time. However, this perspective seems to imply the idea that any given event is perpetually engaging with its past, present, and future states, which is logically invalid; to measure an event in a temporal manner would require one to figure out which temporal state a given event is in, but since the A-Theorist idea seems

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