The cell phone Timeline: Jan 1,1870: telephone Jan 1, 1965: cordless telephone April 3, 1973: the first cell phone was invented Jan 1, 1979: Inmarsat Satellite telephone/ first generation cellphone Jan 1, 1990: second generation cell phone Jan 1, 1992: bag phones Jan 1, 1999: blackberry was invented May 1, 2001: third generation cell phone Jan 1, 2009: fourth generation cell phone
Cellphones are most common in society. The ease of access allows us to have the world at our fingertips 24 hours a day and we never have to unplug. We can surf the web, book a flight, check the weather, and message a friend 1000 miles away without leaving our bed.
I generally like this source because it goes into great detail about the evolution of cell phones. Starting back in 1984 the first cell phone was basically a brick, and now the cell phones used today are way smaller. Also this source talks about devices becoming more sophisticated. They talk about other functions of today’s cell phones, like being used as watches, internet stations, credit cards, mp3 players, digital cameras, dictionaries, alarm clocks ect. This source seems to be a well respected Asian
Technology has advanced at a rapid rate over the past decade. We can now do things on the go, including social networking, shop, check email, not to mention, make a call. As technology develops, electronics get smaller and smaller. Over 10 years ago, cell phones were the size of (if not larger than) cordless house phones. We would only see them being carried by business men or lawyers. Now there are 8 year olds with blackberry’s. Cell phones are a huge part of most of our lives, But what effects have they had on American culture?
In 1876 , Alexander Graham Bell invented the first phone to talk and now the purpose of cell phone has shifted from a verbal communication tool to a multimedia tool. We now use our cell phones more for surfing the web, checking email, snapping photos, and updating our social media status than actually placing calls. Some of the best phone companies are Samsung and Apple. Apple was founded on April 1, 1976 and Samsung was founded on March 1, 1938.The cell phone has changed and developed so rapidly in the past decade that it seems as though almost anything you can imagine is possible for the future.
Phones continued to develop clearer signals and longer ranges. The first cell phone, produced in 1947, was the car phone. However, it only worked when driving on the highway between Boston and New York. In 1973, the first portable phone call was placed, and by 1991 mobile phones were available to the public. By 2001, these newly developed cell phones overshadowed payphones and were an integral part of American daily life.
Over the past few decades, technology has changed dramatically in our country. Cell phones were invented about forty years ago, and have been perfected every year since. Cell phones, or smart phones have affected the lives of many individuals in our country by providing a direct line of communication, access to social media, and connect individuals to new marketplaces and jobs.
On April 3rd, 1973, the very first cell phone call was made by a man named Martin Cooper. Martin was using a Motorola DynaTAC 8000x, or as most people know as the very first cell phone. At first glance the 8000x basically looked like some
Cell phones have changed since I was young. Cell phones have changed in numerous ways. One way that cell phones have changed is that they used to be a big, black, and heavy. They used to have a lot of wires. Now, cell phones have been invented wireless and smaller. Another way that cell phones have changed is that today young folks have 24-hour towers instead of operators. We had operators to come connect the wires. When the operators went home, we would have to meet people in person. A telephone should be used wisely and gave the most highest respect.
The first cell phone was created by Martin Cooper on April 3rd, 1973. Cell phones are radio receivers and transmitters that use electromagnetic energy to send and receive information. Energy travels in waves. The distance from one wave to the next is the wavelength. Frequency is the amount of times the wave oscillates up and down per second. The higher the frequency, the more energy. Frequency is measured in Hertz. One Hz is one wavelength per second. Different electronical things are operated at different rates of hertz. At this point, the fastest connection runs at a 2.1 GHz (gigahertz) range-- that’s 2.1 billion wavelengths per second. Cell phones use low radiation called radio frequency (RF). A cell phone sends and receives
Nearly everyone is using cell phones in their day routine lives. Cell phones have now become less of a novelty and more of a communication tool providing many utilities all in one package, from camera, video games, internet and apps; they combine business and personal convenience.
In the modern-day world, there are about 6.8 billion cell phone subscriptions. Mobile telephones have really changed the way we do things in our daily life. Before cell phones were invented individuals were more interactive with each other. In the late 1900’s, Martin Cooper invented the first mobile telephone. Today we have a variety of mobile phones to choose from such as Apple and Samsung. Widespread cell phone use has definitely affected the world negatively because it is a distraction, can be harmful, and addicting.
Although things have changed throughout the years. We have invented things that no one has ever thought about. The one invention that could change the world would be the cell phone. If we didn't have cell phones what would we do?
Cell phones have changed in many ways throughout the years. First, we started with phones that we had to talk with when they were attached to a wall or they would have a line that you could only go so far with them. Then they grew to be able to travel with them, but still only being able to talk on them. They were these big things with an antenna for it to work. As technology kept growing these phones would get more
Cell phones, as we know them haven’t been around for that long. The quick progression of the item and development has enormously influenced the regular daily existence in the general public eye today. It 's implementation has been genuinely quick considering that mobile phones were inexistent a quarter century ago. The first phone was made by Alexander Graham Bell. According to an article, ' 'This brought upon a major change in communication and gave leeway to the improvement of the telephone in the days to come ' '(Bellis, 2013b).
The first mobile phones, due to its “smaller” size, would still be considered very large in today’s world. Many of the early cell phones were considered “car phones” because they were shaped like a brick and could not fit into one's pocket. The first cell phone was called the Motorola DynaTAC 8000x and was commercially available in 1983. The cellular technology to call these phones was analog frequencies. In the early 2000’s, cell phones became smaller is size and the software got faster. The introduction of the Blackberry popularized the use of the technology allowing more and more people to be involved. Cell phones became popular with the introduction of text messaging, short messages that can be sent to another person. Texting has become an easier and quicker form of communicating with others. Teenagers and children grew to love this feature as a main form of communication. They took on this mainly because it is very private and did not have to be loud in a situation that was not appropriate. “Today’s teens will carry the technology with them as a part of their repertoire of communication possibilities. Where older generations, when