It was a crisp morning on Newport Island, or Timmy’s Island as Timmy liked to think of it. Timmy Newport was chasing Dexter, the Newport family’s Golden Labrador, around the island. Dexter was turning 3 years old tomorrow, but the Newport family had owned him for about two and a half years. Timmy’s dad, Scott Newport, had found Dexter in the market one day in Miami. Miami was on the coast of Florida and was an hour-long boat trip, there and back. Even though Miami was only about four miles away from Newport Island, Mr. Newport was a good rower and could get there in about 30 minutes when he rowed. Mr. Newport had to go to Miami Mondays through Fridays for work. Scott Newport was a fisherman who caught fish with his Timmy every morning. He didn’t …show more content…
Newport had expected which meant that he could now see Newport Island. “Where have you been”, Mrs. Newport asked. “It’s a long story”, said Mr. Newport. “Well tell us”, said Marcia, Timmy, and Lydia in unison. By the time that Mr. Newport, had told all about forgetting so many things to the new leash to talking about Jacob and was finished it was time for everyone to go to bed. The next morning Dexter put on his new leash and watched as the Newport family ate his cake. He obviously didn’t eat the cake but he had his nutritional dog food. When he put on his leash the family was surprised that it was blue. “You told us it was red, like always”, Timmy annoyingly said. This Mr. Newport had lied about when he was telling his story because he wanted to see the family’s shock on the day that Dexter would put it on. To make sure the plan would succeed he also took off the collar right before he and Dexter had reached the island and put it under his bed. The rest of the day was amazing because Timmy and Lydia behaved when they were playing with Dexter. This made Dexter have the most preeminent birthday than anyone he had ever had. Because Lydia and Timmy were behaving Mr. and Mrs. Newport had a tranquil
ohn grew up in takistan. He had a good childhood but his parents were struggling financially. Takistan was calm and peaceful. He grew up in Rasmen the main city. John always wanted to study health and the human body. He was home schooled since takistans schools were bad. All throughout his childhood he worked for any one in the market. He did this so that one day he could afford to move to a town with a superior medical school, This island/ town was called Erie county. Timmy stayed on the island mastering his study's, until one day there was an explosion at the town garage killing 37 people and destroyed Johns car. This angered him, He decided to take action. He enlisted to fight with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The terroist group
For Timmy his at bat in the last inning in the baseball game was the definition of Confidence. As Timmy walked up to the batter’s box his legs started to shake and his hands got clammy. His heart began to pound. But he wanted to hit in the game winning run. He didn’t want to be the player to get the last out in the district championship. So as Timmy stepped in the batter’s box he heard his dad who never misses a game cheering for him and his team rooting him on. But now when Timmy stepped in the box he had an extra hop in his step he was confident now. As the pitcher pitch the crowd was silent it was a battle between the pitcher and him. When Timmy hit a shot in the gap to score the winning run the crowd roared and his teammates ran on the
Other days, the teens would find their way down to the docks. Listening to the voices of the gang begging to use the town rowboat always filled The Captain’s heart with great amusement. True to his spirited nature, he couldn’t help but tease; first acting gruff with a look of annoyance at the teens' pleadings, then cracking a smile and bellowing an overwhelming, “Yes.” Taking turns rowing around the harbor, hanging around The Captain and chatting to the locals who happened by, had Lelia and her friends wishing the summer could go on forever.
Larry didn't know where Gill went, he searched high and low, near and far, but he couldn't seem to find Gill. Larry decided that he was going to go on a journey to look for his lost friend, so he took a couple of days to eat and fatten up so he'd have the energy, and then he set off on his adventure. He wandered for a few days, looking around places Gill and him used to go. Eventually, he sat where Gill used to hang out when he was little, a local ice cream shop, and continued to hang out just up until he left. He waited and waited and then one of Gills old friends came to get some food, her name was Marie. What Larry didn't know was Marie was Gill's girlfriend. Another thing that Larry didn't know is that everyone, including Gill, thought Larry ran away, so when Marie saw Larry she screamed and ran to him. This scared Larry and he ran to the nearest trash can and hid underneath it the best he could. Marie eventually found Larry stuffed under the trash can and tried to coax him out with a little bit of her macadamia nut ice cream, which was Gill's favorite, so it was also Larry's favorite. Eventually, Larry recognized Marie and came out to see what was going
While she her father, and her brother are out to sea, they are simply enjoying themselves. Virginia shows her excitement for being out on the water by highlighting the fact that these trips on occur once every two weeks. While she is happy to be there, her father encourages her brother to steer them home, even though they have a fisherman with them on the boat. It is usual for her father to show pride and trust in her brother, Thoby, yet so far he has not yet said anything to her. In the
Sean and his family went to Florida on the weekend of his birthday. He was so excited to be going he stayed up the whole ride. His family had only been to Florida once when he was three. There had been many raining days in Florida and he was hoping that it didn't when he got there. Family and friends were also going to Florida to celebrate. When he and his family got to Florida the first place they went to was Joe’s Crab Shack.
It was another bright and sunny day on Trae Island in the legendary chateau where all the gods lived. That day, all the gods and goddesses met up in the palace for their usual, yearly, meeting. But the chief of all gods and the super god of volcanoes, Galis, noticed that the youngest of all the gods Knipe was not there. But suddenly he heard a loud echo and then saw Knipe, the minor god of self-confidence, protection, and healing, entered.
When Teddy and Chuck were leaving the hospital grounds and explore the island, ended up at a cemetery. The rain is heavily pouring and they found a sanctuary in a cemetery vault. Chuck asked Teddy to see it eye level with him; he suspected that the last patient had told him something while he went to get her some glass of water, and Teddy showed him the notebook that they were talking about, and when they read it, it only says RUN. Teddy explained that he was trying to get assigned to investigate the mental hospital. He says that a man set up the fire that which killed his wife.
A small family of four, living in the Tory town of Redding. Life was great Mr. and Mrs. Meeker owned a small tavern that supplies their town with food, rum, and supplies. Their son Timmy helped around the tavern and did chores, because his older brother Sam was off at college. Everyone in Redding was close and knew the Meeker family, they all admired how they had raised Sam and Timmy. Every year after college was over, Sam would come home and visit, except one.
The main character in the story is Jim Hawkins. He is a young boy who looks for adventure. He and a few experienced men search for Ben Gunn, and want to have him enlist in their cause. They steal the Hispanolia (a ship) and return it to the captain to which it rightfully belongs.
Morpheus walks towards his seat and observes an uncomfortable Neo, sitting on the edge of his chair with his arms and hands tense. He says to Neo, “I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole, huh? This reference to Alice in Wonderland enables viewers to understand that Neo is in a position in which anything is possible within the Matrix. Neo replies, “you could say that.” “I can see it in your eyes,” Morpheus quickly responds. Morpheus continues talking with Neo as he stands, which reiterates Morpheus’s position as a leader. Morpheus speaks at a confident and fast pace, which involves a large range of vocabulary and sophisticated content. This shows that he is highly intellectual, as well.
These examples show both the author’s and the protagonist’s challenge to the order of things and the complete belief the character has. The best example of this is on line eight when the king says that he ‘shall not give you the boat’ the man replies ‘with calm assurance’ ‘you will’.
If you are reading this, I am currently coming back home. We landed in one of the Island in Hawaii and we think we are in the Island of Oahu. The sky is clear with the warm sun shining through the tropical trees. People there did not wear proper clothes. We were all sick and most of our crew perished before we got here. The ship had to get repaired and needed to restore resources so we decided to stay on the Islands for a couple days before we head back to London.
When Riley is 11, her father starts a new business, and he moves the family from Minnesota to San Francisco. The room in her new home is tiny, and the moving van with all of Riley's stuff keeps getting delayed, so they don't have most of their things. Determined to keep things upbeat, Joy has Riley start a makeshift hockey game in the living room with her dad, using her stick and a wad of paper. Family Island is churning along. Then, Dad gets a business call and quickly has to leave. Sadness tries to take control, but Joy blocks her out, instead giving Riley the idea that she should ask her mom to go get
It was a gorgeous summer day. the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the world was at peace on the seemingly carefree sunday afternoon. church had just ended and the children ran fast and free ready to play. They ran two and twelve towards the town’s lake to go swimming, in order to ward off the heat of the noon sun. They stampeded through town bumping over numerous people and even one another to reach the cool blue waves. The menacing multitude took a sharp turn from the street to an old dusty road. The trees shook in the evening breeze and swayed slightly further when the children hurried by. Dust faintly clouded out the light that poured over the path. Finally they reached the dock and began to take off and swap clothes. The boys took off their shirts and pants and swam in their underwear, while the girls chose to go behind some nearby bushes.and exchange out their attire. When everyone was in they started to splash one another while laughing and shouting. A few of them dived under the water to search for fish and other sea life. When they came back, up two of them had seaweed, one held a starfish, and two others had a crab holding it by both sides. It was getting a little later in the day, but the kids were not quite yet ready to leave their fun to rest. They decided to play hide and seek even though the sun was beginning to make its descent behind the green curtains that were the distant hills. One child counted while everyone hid and waited. As he counted out