
Tiresias In Oedipus The King

Decent Essays

In the Athenian tragedy Oedipus the King by Sophocles, Tiresias is a blind prophet who is summoned by Oedipus, the king of Thebes. The interaction between the both of them caused by this meeting commences a chain of events that leads the king of Thebes to his downfall. This confrontation with Tiresias elucidates Oedipus’ stubborn quality, tendency to deny the truth and make hasty decisions without considering the outcomes. Tiresias’ purpose throughout the play is to embody the truth. Although he is blind, Tiresias has the ability to see more than Oedipus; he uses Augury, telling the future from observing the behavior of birds. It is with this he is able to tell Oedipus his future,“For you are the vile polluter of this land”. The effect of this leads Oedipus to question the credibility of …show more content…

He’s quick to accuse Tiresias of being Laius’ killer, “you, I think, helped plot the deed; you did it”. This dispute evidently sheds light upon Oedipus’ character and shows how he is quick to act upon assumptions. Oedipus‘ anxiety regarding the possibility of betrayal from anyone extends to his brother-in-law, Creon, who has no need or desire to overthrow him. Oedipus states his conviction, “Not exiled, no. Your death is what I want”. Oedipus would have never thought of accusing Creon if it wasn’t for Tiresias telling him the truth. Tiresias’ sign of what is to come caused Oedipus’ suspicion towards Creon which evidently led him to find out the truth about the mystery. The interaction between Oedipus and Tiresias highlights Oedipus’ characteristics of being rash, being stubborn, and constantly refusing the truth. Tiresias is the cause of the conflict between Creon and Oedipus by telling him the truth. Tiresias’ part within this play is to show differences between himself and Oedipus; he is the voice of reason while Oedipus is the voice of

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