
Tituba In The Crucible Analysis

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In the Crucible, by Arthur Miller, Tituba, a black woman, was brought back from Barbados by Reverend Samuel Parris, who used her as a slave. Tituba is one of the most crucial characters in the play because she planted the idea and fear of witchcraft in the Salem community. She could be described as the catalyst for the Salem witchcraft hysteria. Tituba has a big part in two scenes of the Crucible. In Act 1, pages 41-46, Tituba is questioned about the forbidden act that she and other girls from the village had preformed. Betty, the reverend’s daughter, has mysteriously fallen asleep and will not awaken. Later that day, Tituba, and the girls were found by Reverend Parris, dancing in the woods while Tituba was chanting in a foreign language. Reverend Hale, who is the minister of Beverly, asks Tituba if she was preforming any kind of witchcraft in the woods. Tituba responds by saying no and continues to deny all the other questions that were asked. Hale then asks Tituba to awaken Betty, but Tituba replies by saying that she has no power that can awaken her. Hale and proceeds to ask her if she ever made contact with the Devil. She denies this, again, and then Parries raises his voice furiously. “You will confess yourself or I will take you out and whip you to your death, Tituba!” (42) Parris has had enough and wants for Tituba to confess herself to being a witch. Tituba begs for them not to harm her and they finally decided that they will not hurt her if she tells them more

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