To cheat is to “gain an advantage over or deprive of something by using unfair or deceitful methods”(Simpson). This definition defines the actions of an experienced engineer named James Liang. His company of employment, Volkswagen, asked him and his team to make a new diesel engine that would sell well in America. Unfortunately, they ran into issues of making a design that would stay under U.S. emission standards. Under tight secrecy, Mr. Liang was looking to gain an advantage in working around the issue. They were able to make a device that they could hide and connect to the engine. The programming on the device hid the emissions of their diesel engines while on the testing apparatus, but then turn off after the tests were complete. …show more content…
Kant views a maxim as a rule of action that should be acted upon only if you have the will he defines. It is the maxim that defines our choices. The maxim connects with the categorical imperative, which Kant presses is our duty to do what is right no matter what we feel. Hence, the categorical imperative embodies what our will should be. A different view to Kant’s theory is the concept of rule utilitarianism. A rule utilitarian believes that everyone should follow the rules, but should only embrace certain rules that bring out the greatest good or consequence. The Opposite of Kant, who rationalizes that we should follow our moral duty no matter the personal outcome. Yet, following our duty does not always mean to follow the rules and vice versa. The defining idea between the two is whether our consequences or intentions actually matter, which can help justify or disclose Liang’s decisions. Using Kant’s theory of ethics to evaluate Liang’s decisions aids in explaining responsibility in this dilemma. According to the United States Department of Justice, “Liang admitted that he helped his co-conspirators continue to lie to the EPA, CARB and VW customers even after the regulatory agencies started raising questions about the vehicles’ on-road performance following an independent study commissioned by the International Council on Clean Transportation”. What created Liang’s motive or maxim to continue lying? An
Cheats, as said by Lipsyte, have plastered society at many levels. They can be found in the economic world pumping and dumping stocks for personal benefit, and playfully asks the reader if they would like a “predatory loan”. He goes on to proving his point that cheats are everywhere by pulling examples such as “people who sweet-talk customer service to bend the rules for them”, to simple cheating schemes in well played games such as Go Fish and Monopoly. Lipsyte has a hate for cheats which is made clear to the reader in the first three words of the article; however, in the fourth paragraph he explains his hate for the cheating class by saying that he “fears from getting caught” and almost implies to the reader that he is envious of their ability to mask or suppress their fear of getting caught, unlike himself. Lipsyte says this because he shows how the cheats win in the six and seventh paragraphs by saying how capitalism in
The idea of cheating to attain rewards is no new concept. Throughout history, people have performed actions that contradict their morals in order to advance in society. Leaders, parents, and even children have taken shortcuts that strike at their integrity. In recent times, cheating has become more prominent than ever before. The concepts of honesty, fairness, and morality are not enforced, therefore, deception, fraud, and dishonesty prevail in the shadows. In Cheating Culture, written by David Callahan, the author addresses the issue of lying, deceit, and trickery in today's world, while also recognizing a change in the near future is within the people's grasp.
But was it ethical? This question will often be asked regarding the case of engineer James Liang and his role in the Volkswagen emission scandal. During the period of early 2006 to 2014, James Liang and his team of engineers developed a “defeat” device that allowed diesel powered vehicles to pass the EPA emission test, when in fact the vehicles were emitting up to 30 times the allowable limit. To many, this may seem a black and white case of ethics due to the fact that Liang’s team and Volkswagen blatantly cheated on a governmental testing regulation and then proceeded to falsely advertise the vehicles as “clean diesel and environmentally friendly” as reported by the United States Department of Justice; however, different ethical
David Callahan uses facts, interviews, and lots of personal research, to reveal to us of all the cheating in America. He offers multiple arguments for why it matters. The Cheating Culture is a very important wakeup call of the hidden secret lies and cheating of the current and past few years. This book broke down a lot of ways people would cheat and also lie. They would cheat or lie to better themselves to look good or feel like they’ve accomplished something much faster than others.
According to the Kantianism approach the right or wrong action is not taken as a concern of consequence because you cannot control them. It is whether you can fulfill your duty. Whatever you are about to do, and why you are going to do it, is your maxim. Kant explains that the only thing that has intrinsic value would be the goodwill, and he believes that the goodwill is the only good without limits. Moral decisions are the structure of the person by good reasons, features, and the appreciation of the law. A person would do an action not because of what that action produces, in the sense of past experiences, but that they understand by reasoning that the action is the right thing to do. The standard that Kant uses to explain efficient motives and is exercised by everyone is called categorical imperative. It gives us a way to analyze moral actions and make moral reasoning’s. It is used to decide if an action is morally important and is the basics to fulfill universality and rationality. Kant using the Principle of Universalizability to determine whether we are fair and consistent. Below I will demonstrate how it connects to my
In the reading of “Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals,” Kant mentions our actions being done out of duty or of desire. In which we have our maxims are a fraction of our actions and it turns into a universal law. In this essay, I shall explain what Kant means by “I can also will that my maxim should become a universal law”(Prompt). Also, how it corresponds to the first proposition, that Kant states, which is an action must be from moral duty. I will provide an example of this proposition taking place.
These are referred to as maxims (401). Unlike the categorical imperative, a maxim is subjective and does not exist a priori or objectivity. Simply put, maxims were devised to guide human will, only due to the fact that humans will is often tainted by subjective concerns (422). Maxims act as supplementary assistance in translating objective rules to improve a persons pure will (395). Kant specifically expresses four particular maxims that will help guide humans to reasonable good will; do not lie, do not commit suicide, do not allow talents to go to waste and finally be philanthropic
It is not hard to see that the scandal would cause a horrid blow to VW’s image. Until the incident, VW had, like many other German companies, the reputation of “German engineering” (Robertson, 2013). However, instead of using that innovation to develop diesel-fueled cars compliant with U.S. standards, it decided to try to scam its way in the market. Not only did the company admit to having 11 million cars with software intended to cheat tests (Gates, Ewing, Russell & Watkins, 2017), it also plead guilty to “destroying evidence in an elaborate cover-up” (VW Admits Emissions Cheating and Cover-up, 2017); building further distrust among its consumers.
Kantian ethics and rule utilitarianism disagree on the morality of creating a “defeat device.” This device determined when its engine was undergoing emissions testing then switched from its normal operating mode into a lower emission mode. The normal emission mode was 40 times the limit dictated by the Clean Air Act [1]. By creating a dirty engine, Liang contributed towards the destruction of the atmosphere. This will negatively impact the quality of life for many future generations of people. Because damaging the environment negatively impacts millions of people, rule utilitarianism declares it to be morally wrong. The prosecution of six executives of Volkswagen, including the head of engine development, indicate that Liang’s superiors were involved in this conspiracy from the beginning [2]. The most applicable maxim to this situation is “I shall fulfill
The people at the West Virginia had tested vehicles as well as the EPA (Patel). Volkswagen chose to include rout programming device to cheat the system to pass the testing laws. Volkswagen as a corporation was basically trying to cut the cost of engines to be built by limiting the NOx emission system that controls how much dirty chemicals that goes into the air (Patel).By the company putting this device in their cars they were trying to cut down the cost that they would have to spend, at the same time Volkswagen cars had better performance. The ethical question would be is it really worth it to CHOSE to overlook the laws to save money on cash (Patel). "We expected better from Volkswagen," said Cynthia Giles, the E.P.A's. colleague manager for the Office of Enforcement and Compliance. She called the automaker's activities "a danger to general health of our
The term maxim as Kant uses it is defined as a personal policy that motivates one’s action. In his book called the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, he mentions
Volkswagen is one of the largest automakers in the world and it has a global reputation as a high-quality German auto brand. Social responsibility is included in VW’s corporate culture and it seems that Volkswagen made some advances in Corporate Social Responsibility because the corporation was ranked 11th 2015 in the Global CSR Rep Track 100, which listed companies by reputation (Reputation Institute, 2015).However, the company has been threatened by an emission scandal which broke in September 2015, when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) disclosed that Volkswagen had installed defeat devices on diesel cars which were sold in the US. These devices equipped on VW cars cheated regulators in such a way that it could detect
Merrium-Websters’ on-line dictionary defines the word “cheat” simply as ‘using trickery to escape observation.’ The word cheat dates back to as early as 1590 and is a transitive verb (a verb that requires both a direct subject and one or more objects). Other definitions of the word cheat include: to deceive or mislead somebody, especially for personal advantage, to break the rules in a game, examination, or contest, in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage, and to have a sexual relationship with somebody other than a spouse or regular sexual partner.
Kant thinks that the basic moral principles of our society come from people’s rationality, and people must follow these principles unconditionally. These moral principles are the Categorical Imperative. Meanwhile, its common rules have different directions in society. To conclude these directions, it can be reflected from three different formulations. Among the three formulations, the first formulation of universal law has standout features in the maxim and the constraints about people’s behaviors. With combined analysis of examples, the drawbacks of universal law also appear out.
Looking at the Volkswagen case from a Kantian perspective, the actions that James Liang took were immoral. Someone following a Kantian ethics standpoint would have said that it is never okay to unnecessarily harm the environment. A second reason a Kantian probably would not do what Liang did is