
To Kill A Mockingbird': A Short Story

Decent Essays

Last summer, I volunteered at Cloverdale, a small, local nursing home. At first, I was being selfish and only wanted to “participate” for the service hour credits. After sitting for hours on end, an elderly woman taught me the decisions we make early in life, deeply effect our lives in the end. Elizabeth Ellis had just woken from her scheduled nap after lunch. I walked into her room and reluctantly introduced myself while noticing the wrinkles all over her body. I began to read one of my not-so-favorite books, “To Kill a Mockingbird” the nurses appointed, however, it seemed she was about to fall back into her deep slumber. I wouldn’t have minded if she did at that point. Maybe I would have gotten to leave and go do something that was productive with my life. “I love your nails.” She faintly proclaimed while laying her hand on my arm. Her voice was quiet and I initially wanted to keep reading but I thought of a better idea. “What if I paint yours just like them?” She used all the strength her …show more content…

I began to worry of every possibility that he could get killed. Before Tucker left, he took me to the quiet spot where I had once studied and popped the question everyone woman longed for. I knew something were to happen to him during his fight, so I declined the offer. I wanted to stay focused on medicine. February 8th of 1942, I received two letters at my doorstep. I had a feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I opened the first letter I could get my hands on. Dr. Williams invited me to the clinic to fill in the spot I once took. I ran in the house and found my old nursing bag. I dumped the supplies on the floor beside the letters. I had imagined the floor being spotless after cleaning everything up, but I caught the glare of the small diamond ring Tucker had once proposed with. My eyes began to water as the ring lay in the floor. I turned towards the unopened envelope and slowly ripped it open. ‘DEAR ELLIS

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