
How To Kill A Mockingbird Essay

Decent Essays

Eagle Scout Award I grew up in a home where my parents taught us to serve our country, community and those around us. They taught me through example, my father was a scout leader when I was a child. He often took me camping and to merit badge Pow Wow’s. As a boy I began to dream about becoming a boy scout. When I became old enough I joined the cub scouts. While in Cub scouts I learned about being part of the pack, about working together to accomplish large projects, to work together to accomplish a larger goal. Then when I was older I was able to join the boy scouts they taught me about being a citizen in the community, about being a good neighbor. They taught me about doing a good turn daily, and being prepared. When I was 13, I became a life scout. Being a life scout is not anything special, other than I was able to start working on my eagle project. While growing up my family loved to go to Lake Powell. Lake Powell has thousands of people that visit it yearly. They had a trash problem, to combat the trash problem the national …show more content…

A new lake, one that was in all respects mini Lake Powell. With Red Sand Stone cliffs, and beautiful red sand beaches this new lake had all of the qualities of Lake Powell. In Addition to the lake there are massive sand dunes that attracted 4-wheelers, Jeepers, Campers, and Hikers. In short all kinds of people were flocking to the New Park that was closer to St George than the 2.5 Hour Drive to the much Larger Lake Powell. Quickly a few problems surfaced, the largest of which was trash. People would bring sack lunches or dinners to the lake and enjoy them on the sandy beach, but when it came time to leave the sac they brought it in broke and they would often leave the trash on the beach. The Park struggled to manage the problem, Paid Staff and Volunteers where brought in multiple times a week to try to clean the beaches. This is where my Eagle Project came

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