
To Kill A Mockingbird Caste System Analysis

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Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Education has an effect on our lifestyle, and our world. The caste system is a class structure. Sometimes it can determine by birth. If your parents are rich then you are rich. Kind of like that. The caste system is a huge part of to Kill a Mockingbird. It shows the difference between the Finches lifestyle and education, to the Ewells lifestyle and education.

The Finches are on top of the caste system. The family consists of Scout, Jem, Atticus, and their relatives. Scout and Jem take part in the normal school days. They get the proper education from Ms. Caroline. Ms. Caroline is new to the teaching business, and she doesn’t want …show more content…

They are the farmers in the book. The Stock Market Crash hit them the hardest. During the Jazz Age people left farms to head to the city. That is what happened to the farms in Maycomb. The family consists of Walter Cunningham Sr. and Young Walter Cunningham . They all live on a farm. The Cunninghams are poor, but work with what they have. They don’t have money to pay everyone back so they try to find a substitute for the money, or wait later to get their money. When Atticus helps Walter Sr. with his legal work, he doesn’t have the money to pay him for it. So, he pays him with stove wood, hickory nuts, smilax, holly, and green …show more content…

They were treated unfairly. Tom Robinson is not treated fairly because apparently he raped the Ewell's daughter. They had to sit in the backseat of the car when they were being taken home, and they had a church just for blacks. One case is, when Atticus had to go to Montgomery Calpurnia didn’t know what to do about church. She decided to take them to her church. Lula, one of the members at the church, didn't like it that Scout and Jem were at the black church. She didn’t didn’t like it that they were their, but everyone else accepted them into their church. They didn’t have any Bible’s, air conditioning, or hymnals. Zeebo led the church into song by singing one line, and the church would repeat. They didn’t have enough stuff, and they weren’t treated

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