
To Kill A Mockingbird Quote Analysis

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Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird shows how the three protagonists are faced with tough situations without a hint of fear. The first character to show this is Atticus Finch who defends Tom Robinson, puts Tom’s life ahead of his own, and let his son fall for a crime he did not commit. Jem also shows courage when he stays at the jailhouse against his father’s request, goes back to get his pants from the Radley house, and when he fights Bob Ewell. Finally, Scout shows she can be brave when she walks away from the people who call her names, when she says the one thing no one else wants to, and when she runs into the circle at the jailhouse. Overall, in the three protagonists’ daily lives they are all faced with situaations which render them to be courageous. In Atticus, …show more content…

First of all, at the jailhouse, Jem refuses to leave when his father repeatedly asks him to. Atticus said “go home, Jem” (152), but you can tell that “from the way he stood he was not thinking of budging” (152). Jem realizes that his father is in a dangerous situation and will stand by his dad courageously even if he has to defy his orders. Secondly, Jem went back to the Radley residence to retrieve his pants. At the moment Scout saw that “he was returning to me…he held up his pants” (57), she knows that he had made it back in one piece. In this case, Jem needs to do whatever he can to get his pants back. Despite knowing the fact that Mr. Radley will shoot at anything he does not let his fears stop him. Lastly, when Bob Ewell attacks the children Jem fights back just to save his little sister. He tries to protect Scout when he exclaims “’run, Scout! Run! Run!’” (261). He realizes he must have to fight Bob Ewell as much as he can just so Scout can get away. His love for his sister requires him to risk his life just to save his younger sibling’s life. In all situations, the risk of being injured is an interference he must defeat with

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