
To Kill A Mockingbird Should Be Banned Essay

Decent Essays

The Banning for To Kill a Mockingbird
The book called “To Kill a Mockingbird” was written by a great author Harper Lee. The book had won the Pulitzer Prize in 1961. It sold over millions of copies, and was one of the favorite novels in 1999. The book was known to make a difference in people’s lives, but then soon became known to be banned in many other states. It was also was celebrated for Banned Books Week because they didn’t agree with the decision. There are three most important points of the research for the banning of to kill a mockingbird. First the reasons why it was banned or challenged. Second, why this novel shouldn’t be banned, and third, the mitigating measures for the book to be available for students.
The novel was banned in 2011 and 2009 because of the use of profanity, racial slurs, and rape. In the years of 2002-2012 the novel was challenged in local high schools and middle schools. One school from Brampton Ontario in 2010 had parents whose concern of language such as the use of the “N” word. Another was a high school in Illinois in 2004 …show more content…

There a few examples to help better the parents and child’s understanding for this book and it is great for book projects, it will also boost students reading ability. Also there should be counseling available to students who do become offended and that would be a way to talk about how they feel. Students who are given small assignments in class can help them understand the material better. Also involving parents to join in on readings or to have them do an assignment with the child at home could be another example. There should be group presentations or having a guest speaker come to the schools to discuss the novel with students. There are so many measures parents and school board could take and it would be beneficial to the student’s success in critical thinking and reading

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