
To The Transfer Student : My Personal Experience As A Transfer Student

Decent Essays

To the Transfer Student I have spent a year at SUU as a transfer student, and it was only just in this last couple weeks I learned that the third floor of the library is the place where you can talk and have study groups. My knowledge of the library was limited to the second floor—which means no talking and it’s about as silent as a funeral service. Sometimes the sniffles are from crying, but most the time it’s just the common cold floating around. Sometimes transfer students are the last people thought about when schools are preparing for a new semester. We aren’t automatically signed up for the freshman tour, or have a school-set-up appointment with an academic adviser. In some ways, we are kind of left to our own. I mean we have gone to at least a semester or two of school, so we should have college figured out right?
Well if you’re anything like me, my personal experience has taught me that although the idea of college is similar, each campus and school has its own set of things that are helpful to have some knowledge of. So, this is me, helping you learn from my mistakes and a few pointers on how to make your experience as a transfer student at SUU an even better than my experience—and my experience has really been pretty great.
Before we jump into all the fun facts and logistics, I want to reassure you that you’ve made the best choice by choosing to transfer to Southern Utah University. I’m not sure what your reason is for transferring to SUU, but for me,

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