
To What Extent Does Religion Affect the Characters in "Measure for Measure?"

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At the time that Measure for Measure was written, England was a Protestant country, meaning that the monarch at the time, James I was the head of the Church of England. However, the England that Shakespeare was brought up in was still living with the remnants of a Catholic history, and so the religious beliefs that he would have learnt about as a child would have been those of the Catholic faith. Although Shakespeare was writing the play for a Protestant audience and a Protestant king, he was setting the play in a Catholic country, so this gave him an opportunity to feature his religious beliefs as a Catholic in the play.

One of the characters in the play particularly affected by religion is the Duke, as he discards his secular …show more content…

It is because of the character's religious beliefs that they believe him and trust his judgment, and will do what he tells them.

When the Duke is disguised as a friar, he seems to represent the Bible, especially the New Testament, as he is promoting forgiveness as opposed to the Old Testament, which seems to be more represented by Angelo, and his ideas about "An eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth." When the Duke speaks to Claudio, the ideas he offers on death are very similar to those shown in the Bible. For example, he suggests that death is like sleep, and this makes a parallel with the Bible, where the dead are referred to as "Those who have fallen asleep" Although this would not be obvious to a modern audience, the audience at the time of Shakespeare would have understood references to the Bible, as religion was a much larger part of their society than of ours.

The Duke is also shown as a figure representing Jesus, as he is the person who forgives everyone their sins at the end of the play, and wants to try and prevent the death and suffering of his people. The Duke can also be seen as representing King James I, who was the king at the time the play was written. It was important at that time that the king liked the play, as if he did not it would not be performed, so by making the monarch in

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