
To What Extent Is Macbeth A Tragic Hero

Decent Essays

Macbeth is a tragic hero. Everything that occurs in his story supports evidence that he is. A tragic hero is a literary character who makes a judgment error, that inevitably leads to his/her own destruction. In this story his decisions to trust what the witches say, is in his best interest lead him to his own death. There many different ways even his own mind lead to his self destruction. Macbeth was a good, honorable and respected guy at the beginning. He helped the king fight in the battle in scene 1. He was really good friends with Banquo. He was a very heroic man and was leading down that (hero type of way). Unfortunately, guilt, greed, and inability to decide whose side the witches were on lead him down a path of eradication. That isn’t all through he also does little things that he could have easily prevented in order to avoid this situation.

Guilt is where he begins to complicate things. From him killing his best friend Banquo it it began to eat him up inside. He regretted it before he even did it. Also he was very guilt stricken by killing the king. He shows remorse when he begins to describe how he couldn't use enough ocean water to rinse off his hands. He also imagines the ghost of Banquo watches him and …show more content…

Towards the beginning Macbeth and King Duncan were fairly close. He came to his house to have a feast as a friend. Also Macbeth was remorseful and scared to go through these plans. It wasn't like he was like a cold blooded killer. Something like instinct made him feel like he had too. Also with his wife badgering him around calling him (.......) and (.....) didn't help him be able to do the right thing. Also with the guilt greed and power going to him head, he became a desperate person, cruel almost. He would have continued to be a good man if he would have been so trusting of the witches and so power hungry. His remorse, though shows most of all he was a good guy and it's not like he enjoyed their deaths. He was driven

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