
To What Extent Should Soda And Candy Should Be Banned In Schools

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No, because many kids at school want to enjoy a soda and candy for their own reasons. In, schools they say that many of these foods that they provide for the students is very unhealthy and can lead to obesity to students, but what will banning all soda’s and candy do, it surely won’t stop obesity throughout the school. This shows that banning soda and candy should not be banned. The problem is not the soda or the candy the problem is the unlimited supplies of the products are available at school seven days a week and 9 hours a day. The obesity is coming from the soda and candy but the reason is because the product is available. The other problem is if we were to take all the soda’s and candy away from school how will the students be able to realize that not only are they making bad choices but, will crave for more of the soda or candy and find ways to drink or chew more. …show more content…

The soda is the problem because it carries more calories than chips. If schools just limited the supplies of any type of soda the obesity rate at school may seem to be different. Now, the candy would just be a little problem because candy would be an addictive source for students since it is so chewy,muchy, and sour. The candy could be addictive meaning students would want more leading to more calories but, banning it won’t change because students want their candy to buy, sell, fundraise, or eat. Candy and soda cannot be banned because if schools are teaching them healthy diets, healthy food to eat, and nutrition this all falls back on the students. The banning of candy won’t stop obesity it will just make it worse for students rebel against the

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