
Today 's Modern Army By The 442nd Infantry Regiment During Wwii

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Understanding and defining the impact on today’s modern army by the 442nd Infantry Regiment during WWII, is evident by their unique formation that stood out amongst organizations during that period. While trying to compare the differences in social acceptance from a unit composed almost entirely of Soldiers of Japanese ancestry, you must first understand the period in which this unit left its legacy.

During one of the most controversial times in the history of diplomatic relations, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 without any formal announcement of war. Although the transmissions from Japan were decoded, the actual declaration of war didn’t reach the United States until the following day. Unknown to many Americans that …show more content…

Ultimately, this order would allow for the deportation of Japanese-Americans to internment camps. The deportation of the Japanese-American men who relocated into the camps would eventually make up roughly 14,000 of the men who would go on to serve in the 442nd.

Japanese-American men originally categorized as enemy aliens went un-drafted due to the government automatically disqualifying anyone with Japanese ancestry. Eventually the War Department called for the removal of all Soldiers of Japanese ancestry from active service. At the time, General Emmons, who was serving as the commander of the U.S. Army in Hawaii, discharged any man who fell under this order from the Hawaii Territorial Guard. He did however; keep an estimated 1,300 Japanese-American soldiers from the 298th and 299th Infantry Regiments of the Hawaii National Guard. The discharged Japanese-American men of the Hawaii Territorial Guard petitioned the Generals decision and asked him to allow them to participate in the war. General Emmons stated, although no formal documentation exists, that he “would remain worried about the loyalty of Japanese-American no matter their birth place.” He recommended to the War Department all Japanese-American men serving in Hawaii to be move to the mainland. The authorization, granted by the War Department, allowed General Emmons to move the once called Hawaiian Provisional Battalion, to Camp McCoy. Upon arrival of these

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