
Toddler Stage Research Paper

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Children grow and change day by day. They change from the time of their birth to

adolescence, they move through a steady progression of milestones that include every area of

development. These vary by age, the four developmental stages the child will go through are

Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, and Cognitive Development.

According to Laura Berk, when children learn to walk, they are called toddlers. This term is

usually applied to one and two-year-old children (Berk, 2012). This is a stage in the growth of a

child and not a specific age. The toddler stage is very important in a child’s life. It is the time

between infancy and childhood when a child learns and grows in many ways. Everything that

happens to a toddler is meaningful, each stage or skill the child masters with it a new stage …show more content…

According to Aparna Bagdi and John Vacca, during the toddler stage, most children

learn to walk, talk, solve problems, relate to others, and more (Bagdi and Vacca, 2005). One

major task for the toddler is to learn to become independent. This is why children during this

age want to do things for themselves, have their own ideas about how things should happen,

and use “no” many times each day.

The toddler stage is characterized by much growth and change, mood swings, and some

negativity. According to Patricia Picchetti, toddlers are often frustrated and misbehave

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